ERASMUS-SPORT-2022-SSCP - Proposal number: 101089938
The project "Well-being4you: Sport & Mediterranean Diet", acronym “WB4: SMD” , has the main objective of promoting a procedure that increases the awareness of young Europeans on the importance of sport and proper nutrition, as tools that help prevent major health problems of the European youth population, specifically, by decreasing the prevalent obesity rate among young people, which is too high in the countries involved in the project and also in other European countries. The partnership of this project is composed by “Assocation of paraplegics, tetraplegics and phisically disabled of Kavala (Grece) as applicant, by Sport Club GK KNIN (Croatia) and by Academy culture and education association (Turkey) as partner. The project has a duration of 12 months and it includes international staff meetings at the beginning and at the end of the project period; in addition, workshops will be held involving all the participants selected by the 3 organizations: the first are held in Croatia in May 2023 and the topic of the importance of sport for health will be dealt with; the second takes place in Greece in September of the same year and represents an interesting laboratory to discover the benefits of the Mediterranean diet and a holistic approach to food. The project carries out the activities, favoring the participation of disadvantaged people and at risk of social exclusion. The international laboratories find continuity in the creation of online laboratories, which involve all the participants in the project and which will be created to link the two international activities. The project involves young people between the ages of 6 and 15, but even older adults can benefit from the results.